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Holiday Connections in a Busy World


As everyone knows, the Holidays are a busy time! With the additional to-dos and social get-togethers that come with it, they could easily fly by without enjoying some of the gifts the Season brings.

For me, gift deliveries were a highlight and allowed me to not only thank my customers, but reconnect with them in person. Perhaps what was most satisfying about playing Santa for a few days, was how genuinely appreciative our customers are!

It was truly heat-warming and humbling to receive so much positive feedback.

Here’s just some of the feedback we received:

From Bruce Rosenblatt at Senior Housing Solutions:

"Thank you for very much for all you do. I know you do a great job with all my people, they really appreciate you, so let's keep in going for next year!"

From Scott LePore at John R. Wood Realtors:

"I want to express how satisfied I am with Denise and her services as Naples Move Managers...I feel her service is invaluable..., and I highly recommend her."

From Belle Agronin - customer

“We cannot rave enough about each and every woman who helped us. Without their help we could not have made it through this traumatic time. We have a tremendous amount of praise and thanks for Naples Move Managers.”

With the Holiday Season we also come to the close of another year. For me, and I'm sure many, it's a time to reflect.

What could I have done better? It's an important question, particularly regarding my business.

I know there are many elements to running a successful business, but at its core - it's all about relationships.

Relationships are what makes all the work worth it, makes it so rewarding and - as I learned during gift deliveries - is also where it gets really fun!

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